An Ayurvedic perspective on mental health

Jan 10, 2023 | Ayurveda


To be healthy ayurveda advices that you need to maintain perfect balance between your mind body and soul. In a world where our mental health can take a back step, ayurveda approach to mental health helps you focus on your mental wellbeing via natural solutions.

Ayurveda: The holistic science of good health and vitality

Ayurveda is about taking control of your own physical and mental health through a holistic approach to life and living in harmony with nature. It is an ancient life science that focusses on maintaining balance in life to enjoy physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing. Originating from India the teachings of this holistic science say that life is sustained by the tripod of mental, physical and spiritual and that these three should be in-sync for a person to enjoy good health and vitality.

What do Ayurveda and Ayurvedic principles say about mental health?

According to ayurveda mental health issues arise when there is an imbalance within the three dosha of kapha, vata and pitta. Vata imbalance leads to restlessness and anxiety, pitta imbalance leads to anger and irritability while a kapha imbalance leads to depression and lethargy. These imbalances cause apathy, mood swings and low energy which are some signs of depression anxiety.

Ayurvedic terms in relation to mental health

There are a few terms used in Ayurveda in relation to mental health which are good to understand:

Manas – the human mind that coordinates the sensory impressions before they are presented to the consciousness.

Sharira – this is the Sanskrit word meaning body. Buddhists also use it to describe the cremated remains of Buddha.

Atma – this is the soul or life, the self or essence of humans

Indriya – in ayurveda this references the sensory, spiritual or phenomenological faculties.

The ancient texts of ayurveda say that the mind has three guna namely Satwa or balance, raja or arrogance and tama which is indolence. When there is an inbalance of tamas or rajas it can create a negative state of mind.

Our life energies are called dosha or tridosha which are vata, pitta and kapha.

Use of herbal remedies for mental health-related illnesses

Ayurveda encourages the use of herbal remedies as natural solutions towards sorting out mental illness issues. They help by calming and relaxing the mind and help promote better sleep which is very important towards healing the mind.

St. John’s wort – This plant has been a common herbal mental health treatment for hundreds of years but is usually only effective for mild to moderate depression and should only be used under the guidance of an ayurvedic practitioner.

Ginseng – This herb has been used for thousands of years to help people regain mental clarity and energy. It also helps reduce the effects of stress.

Chamomile – is known as an herb that helps manage depression and anxiety providing relief from depressive symptoms.

Lavender – Known to relax and reduce anxiety associated with mood disturbances. It is said to help improve sleep as well.

How does Ayurveda help with cognitive function?

A poor diet, poor sleep, medication, anxiety and stress all have an adverse effect on our cognitive functions, hindering concentration, focus and our mental health. Through ayurvedic guidance we learn to regain balance between our dosha which help regain proper cognitive functions. Ayurveda tips to aiding cognitive functions include among others the need to stop multi-tasking and instead focus on a single task and to complete it properly which aids with renewed powers of concentration.

How does ayurvedic massage bring about mental clarity?

Ayurvedic massages not only alleviate pain they work as a preventive medicine by increasing circulation, stimulating and strengthening the lymphatic system. This opens the flow of life force to cleanse and revitalise the body. Various herbal oils are used during the massage which help with detoxing and are nourishing helping you feel better mentally, physically and spiritually.

Ayurvedic tips to take care of mental health

Meditation – promotes the interaction between the mind, body and soul as it helps your mind replenish and relax

Yoga – as a gentle form of exercise yoga incorporates both breathing and meditation during the movement which improves mental wellbeing.

Balanced diet – When pressed for time we turn to junk food which have no diet nutritional factor to contribute. According to ayurveda avoiding processed food is important, eating seasonal food that is easy to digest and plenty of fruits and vegetables will have immense benefits on mental health.


The ayurvedic perspective on mental health works towards improving mental health conditions and psychological factors for sustainable good mental health, rather than quick cures. If you are looking for a holistic approach to look after your mental wellbeing then ayurveda is the correct approach.