Exploring the Ayurvedic perspective to autoimmune wellness

Jul 23, 2024 | Ayurveda

Autoimmune disorders, affecting a staggering one in ten people in the UK, pose a significant health challenge. However, Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, offers a holistic approach to addressing the root causes of autoimmune disorders. By understanding the body’s interconnected systems, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to improving well-being for many individuals with chronic conditions. Here’s what you need to know about the Ayurvedic perspective on autoimmune disorders.

What are Autoimmune Disorders?

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells, leading to chronic conditions such as Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. With over 100 known autoimmune diseases, symptoms can range from mild to severe, often causing widespread inflammation.

An Ayurvedic Perspective on Autoimmune Disorders

Ayurveda attributes autoimmune disorders to the accumulation of Ama (toxins) due to impaired Agni (digestive fire). Ama, a sticky, fibrous substance, resembles antigens that trigger the immune system to attack. Effective digestion and metabolism are crucial to prevent Ama buildup and maintain balance.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Autoimmune Disorders

Detoxification Treatments

Detoxification is the first step in Ayurvedic treatment, aiming to eliminate Ama. Potent herbs like Triphala (Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki), Guduchi, Asafoetida, turmeric, tulsi, and neem are used for their detoxifying properties. Panchakarma, a dynamic bio-cleansing therapy, includes oil massages, third eye stimulation, steam baths, herbal oil enemas, nasal irrigation, and laxatives to purify and rejuvenate the body.

Treatments to Strengthen Digestion

Strengthening Agni is essential for good digestion and metabolism. Ayurveda advises against overeating and recommends leaving one-third of the stomach empty for optimal digestion. Avoid chilled water and cold drinks, as they can dampen Agni. Dietary recommendations should align with individual doshas and seasonal changes to maintain balance.

Treatments to Enhance Immunity

Strong immunity results from regular Ama elimination, balanced Agni, and Ojas (vitality). Eating whole foods that pacify aggravated doshas, such as ghee, dates, almonds, saffron, honey, and milk, can build Ojas. Adequate sleep, rest, and exercise are also vital. Stress management, incorporating herbs like Amla, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Guduchi, Moringa, and Tulsi, is crucial as stress weakens the immune system.

Customising Treatment Plans for Autoimmune Disorders

Personalised treatment involves diagnosing the Prakruti (natural dosha state) and Vikruti (imbalanced state). Understanding individual Agni and Ama accumulation helps in crafting accurate treatment plans. Emotional well-being, including stress and anxiety, plays a significant role in immune disorders. A compassionate practitioner can gain better insights by addressing these issues openly with patients.

Explore the holistic approach of Ayurveda for managing autoimmune disorders and improving overall well-being with personalised treatments.

Exploring holistic healing at Ayurveda Institute UK

The potential of healing autoimmune disorders with Ayurvedic treatment is time-tested. Ayurveda brings relief to so many who have accepted these as lifelong diseases. It also enhances holistic living that promotes the overall well-being of individuals.

Ayurveda Institute empowers you with the knowledge, tools and training. Whether you want to integrate Ayurveda with general medical practice or practise Ayurveda full-time, we offer valuable hands-on experience and Vedic knowledge from seasoned Ayurvedic professionals. Enrol for a course today to gain the necessary credentials to become a beacon of healing.