Flu: Six things you can do to support your resistance to disease

Mar 14, 2023 | Ayurveda


Influenza is a preventable but infectious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It affects the nose and throat and can in some causes spread to the lungs. Building resistance is one of the best ways to avoid the flu, naturally. Along with the flu vaccine if you take steps to build resistance then your immune system is better able to withstand the virus.

What causes influenza?

As said influenza viruses cause the flu which infects your nose, throat and lungs. It is spread when infected people cough or sneeze and droplets with the virus are sent into the air. Symptoms of a person suffering with the flu include:

  • coughing
  • runny or stuffy nose
  • sneezing
  • sore throat
  • fever
  • chills
  • body aches
  • headache
  • fatigue

How can you build your immune system to resist the flu?

A strong and healthy immune system plays an integral role in fighting infections. It produces white blood cells and proteins that fight and eliminate disease inducing toxins and microorganisms. The body naturally gets rid of pathogens before they can multiply in the body and cause illness. There are several effective dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to build your immune system to experience better health.

Diet and nutrition

We nourish our bodies through our diet which is why it is so important to consume foods that help strengthen us. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which help decrease inflammation. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C which helps reduce the duration of the common cold. They are further a great source of fibre which is essential to feed our gut microbiome or healthy gut bacteria. When you have a robust gut microbiome it improves your immunity and works to keep harmful pathogens from entering through the digestive track.

Eating foods rich in healthy fats like those in salmon and olive can help boost your immune response to pathogens while fermented foods are rich in beneficial bacteria called probiotics. Foods such as kimchi, kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut are rich in probiotics and help you have good gut bacteria. It helps your immune cells tell the difference between healthy cells and harmful organisms.

Hydration for strong immunity

Staying hydrated helps your body maintain healthy mucous membranes which act as a barrier against foreign invaders. Hydration can also support communication and the biochemical pathways found in your immune system. Your blood transports fluid, nutrients and communication signals to the organs all important functions for your immune system. As blood plasm is about 90% water in order for it to function properly you need to be properly hydrated.

Limiting sugar and caffeine

An excess of sugar in your system can allow bacteria or viruses to propagate hindering the functions of your immune system. A compromised immune system means you are more likely to get sick. Excess caffeine too can to an extent supress antibody production.

Herbal Remedies

For centuries the holistic approach to health has been herbs and spices which are even today one of the most potent dietary tools for boosting your immunity. Many herbs are antagonistic to pathogens and so actively fight microorganisms.

  • Ginseng keeps the immune system balanced by regulating immune cells
  • Garlic is antibacterial and helps strengthen the digestive system leading to good gut health.
  • Echinacea is antiviral and antioxidant and helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Cumin, turmeric and ginger have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Cinnamon provides anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can boost your immune system and promote its effectively by helping your immune cells regenerate regularly. Exercise further aids with better sleep which is important because sleep and rest are also vital for your immune system.

Proper rest

Besides exercise it is important that you take steps to get proper rest and relaxation. Ensure that you aim for a good number of hours each night by reducing your screen time and other distractions and by eating satiating and nourishing foods. Create a peaceful environment within your bedroom that promotes and enables peaceful sleep.

Managing stress

Long term stress can cause inflammation and an imbalance in the function of the immune cells. Along with good sleep and moderate exercise try including meditation, yoga, journaling or any ohter mindful practice to manage your stress levels.


Keeping your premises and objects you come into regular contact with clean is a great way to stop the spreading of influenza and protect yourself from contracting it. Washing your hands correctly is a good way to avoid getting sick as it stops the virus from spreading to other objects such as doors, doorknobs etc.


Influenza is not a deadly infection other than for very rare instances. If you take simple but regular steps to strengthen your immunity, influenza will not have a massive impact on your overall health. These steps will help you enjoy better health overall so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. They are easy to adopt and overtime you will experience the significant positive effects they will have on your wellbeing.